Work from Home Jobs Using Just Your Cell Phone 

Work from Home Jobs Using Cell PhoneHave you ever dreamt about working from the convenience of your own home, using just your smartphone? Great news – there are so many options when it comes to work from home jobs using your cell phone!

It’s more possible now than ever, with more and more people finding jobs that provide a steady income but also allow them the convenience to work from where they want, when they want, using the little computer that we all carry around in our purse or pocket each day – the smartphone!

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Thanks to technological advancement, smartphones are now more than just communication devices. These days, people go as far as having their whole lives on their phones – including their careers.

Continue reading this blog to discover how you can earn money and work from home using your cell phone.

COVID-19 Created a New World of Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic was a turning point for the whole world. It has created a culture of rapid digital transformation, with companies finding ways their employees can work from home or work remotely, as storefronts had to close due to the pandemic and lockdowns that ensued. Nowadays, having the ability to work remotely isn’t just a far-off dream, but something that many younger people have come to expect.

Therefore, many people have since moved their careers online. Now, you can earn your living and work from home using your cell phone by having a profile on job aggregator platforms like Jooble. More professional and educational opportunities have become affordable thanks to high-speed Internet. People can study topics such as graphic design, production of applications for Android phones, and even video games from the comfort of their own home, completely remotely.

The list of potential side-hustle job opportunities has also grown to become longer and more diverse. One can start working in jobs such as tech support or video chat moderation. Another well-paying part-time job is working with affiliate links. You could also become a freelance writer, deal with payment details as an outsource accountant, or do outbound calls. The opportunities are really endless, and the sky’s the limit. It is a fantastic time to enter the world of remote work!

Better yet, there are ways to work remote using just your smartphone! Do you want to learn the best ways how to make more money with your phone? Continue reading this blog, where I’ll document some job opportunities using just your phone.

Work From Home Jobs Using Your Cell Phone

There is no better time to turn your phone into a money-making machine! Earning money using your phone comes with little or no extra cost, as so many people already have and use a smartphone every day. Successful tech-savvy people advise maximizing already available resources to earn more, where you can earn money with your mobile phone just on the side, without interrupting other daily activities. 

Below are some examples of such job opportunities:

Become a Social Media Manager

Do you love connecting on social media, taking pretty pictures and trying out the newest social media trends (such as Instagram reels)? You could become a social media manager!

Over the years, social media has evolved from a messaging and entertaining platform into a place people use to promote themselves and their businesses. The social media industry created many sought-after jobs, including social media management, one of the most popular ones. 

Thanks to Facebook or Instagram and other resources, people manage their online presence in these social media spaces and increase the visibility of their services. A social media manager helps them reach out to the target audience and creates a match between the services being offered and customers looking for these services, often working with social media influencers within the same niche. 

Have you ever wondered why even the tiniest grocery story cares so much about obtaining good reviews? If people are unsatisfied with the service and quality of the products, they are likely to scare off other customers by warning them about their bad experience. Thus, caring about your image on the Internet is vital for various sectors, be it mobile gaming companies, local winery shops, or the best platforms for trade and goods exchange. 

Social Media Management is a job you can do easily on your phone. You just need a device with a high-quality camera and a mobile data connection. Social Media Management is very lucrative and can even generate a healthy 6 figures per year, especially if you work as your own agency and take on multiple clients.  Although the hourly rate might differ dramatically depending on your skills and prior experience (obviously, college students will earn less than experienced social media managers working with a famous actor); however, the market offers dozens of awesome options to start and earn professional recognition. 

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Open Your Own E-Commerce Business

The rate of online shopping has increased drastically over the years. It has opened up new opportunities for people that wish to sell products, whether digital or physical, without actually having to open up a physical store.

If you google the word ‘’e-commerce’’, the variety in search results will surprise you. People are constantly looking online for things you couldn’t even imagine before. It might take them a long time to find the appropriate product, but the Internet has made finding exactly the items we’re looking for easier than ever. And that’s where you come in! Why not open up your own e-commerce store, focusing on your own talents and interests and turning them into products?

You could sell digital products, such as e-books or online guides, where you teach others about a subject you’re an expect in (or really just know a lot about and have a passion for). Or, if you’re the creative type, you could sell digital products on Etsy, such as Photoshop or Canva templates, digital planner designs, pre-made logo designs, etc. Or, you could choose to sell physical products online, such as jewellery, teeshirts designs, etc. You could set up your own ecommerce website using platforms such as Shopify – the options are endless, and there’s never been a better time to enter the space!

Dabbling in E-commerce is another great opportunity to earn extra money in your spare time, and you can build on it as you grow, offering more and more products for sale as you learn your audience and their wants. It doesn’t require a college degree (however, a relevant education in e-comm can of course help to achieve more). 

Apart from selling items online, you will need to answer clients’ questions about the products you offer. Therefore, learn more about them and brush up on your sales and marketing skills to provide people with high-quality and relevant information. Your knowledge and previous experience will increase sales. 

You can now easily upload your goods online through your phone and start getting customers who will buy products from you. You can engage with your customers (and potential leads) via social media and use this interaction to generate more traffic to your online store and leads pages. The opportunities for growth here are endless, and I encourage you to think outside of the box!

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Test Others’ Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are becoming more and more of a thing in the world of mobile devices, and every day, more companies are putting out apps for their businesses. However, no company will release an app without plenty of prior testing being completed by real users. This is where the role of the professional app tester comes in!

You can start making money using just your phone by helping mobile app developers test their digital products. One can earn over $80,000 a year doing this job! Even the best companies (with the strictest requirements towards their employees) look for people who are ready to examine their tech products (for instance, Field Agent app, etc.). Although you can find relevant job postings online, you can also find a job in mobile app testing by simply asking around to your best friends or relatives if they know someone developing an app, or who is working for product IT companies. Thus, you will know for sure who to contact about becoming an app tester for their company!

Neurophysiologists might need you for a video interview about your daily routine, habits, or how you would learn a new language.

Take Surveys Online

Another way to earn money through your phone is by taking paid surveys. People create online surveys to collect other people’s opinions on a particular topic around an idea their business is interested in. You can get paid for providing specialists with the information that will help to improve products, services, or even scientific research.  

It is very usually quick and straightforward to take a survey. You can use your personal mobile device and do this job with your own schedule and without leaving home. People earn an average of $0.5 for one quick survey session, but each company may have their own varying rates. If you are a lucky and hard-working survey taker, you might earn up to $3000 monthly for providing your priceless opinion, experience and information. 

The range of questions and formats available during survey-taking is vast. It might include online surveys about customer services or topics social media influencers should cover in their blogs. Neurophysiologists might need you for a video interview about your daily routine, habits, or how you would learn a new language. Alternatively, you may also process phone calls from large brands that perform profound market research and learn their potential targeted audience better. In this case, a reliable smartphone is everything you need! Either way, it’s a great way to earn extra money without investing too much time. And another big perk of surveys is that you take part during your business hours and spare time – it’s not a full-time job where your hourly pay doesn’t vary, and you can work as much or as little as you want.

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Provide Translation Services

Do you speak more than one language? You could become a professional translator!

A job in online translation usually involves typing, which might make it difficult for some people to do it on the phone. However, some people are very comfortable typing on their phones, even when they have to do this task for hours! A reliable phone is a must for all specialists in the sphere, or you could of course choose to work from your computer.

You can earn between $30,000 to $60,000 per year as a professional translator. These specialists have to master their skills all the time to stay fluent in both languages. You’ll need to stay up to date with the languages you speak to excel in this job, so as soon as you start losing confidence in one of them, it’s better to put the work on hold and plunge into learning again, then return where you left off!

As an additional income, translation service jobs pay very well. However, if you turn this idea into a full-time job, the outcome may surprise even your boldest expectations!

Neurophysiologists might need you for a video interview about your daily routine, habits, or how you would learn a new language.

Become an Online Tutor

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world realize how well we can still communicate without seeing one another in person. Another major industry that has moved online is the world of education. You can now find people exploring the internet to acquire formal education and obtain the proper certification, without ever having to leave their house! More and more online programs are popping up, and the industry is booming.

However, becoming a professional tutor requires that you are knowledgeable (and sometimes, professionally certified) in whatever field you major in. All you need to get started is a phone with a good camera, audio quality, and a stable internet connection and you can be providing online tutoring services!

Tutoring online is a very lucrative business. You can expect to earn as much as $80,000 per year as an online tutor, so if you have a skill or designation that might work well in the online tutoring space, start exploring!

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Use Your Smartphone to Take Gorgeous Photography

Photography is a very lucrative job that has been around for decades! And it’s a ton of fun, too (but of course, I’m slightly biased…)

In today’s world, there’s a great interest for people to document their life and events, and for brands to want to use user-generated content to promote their products and services, hence the need for photographers to provide beautiful photos to match these goals. 

However, photography has recently moved away from the era of expensive professional SLR cameras and other large, fancy, expensive imagery gadgets and accessories. Smartphones today provide stunning photo and video quality, sometimes even rivalling some professional photography career. It’s becoming incredibly common for creators to now take pictures with their smartphones, even professionally. 

Do you have an eye for photography and an interest in learning how to make money from this skill professionally? Then a job as a photographer might be right up your alley!

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Try Out Vlogging and YouTubing

Are you full of ideas and useful information that you can share to the world through casual-format, personal video? If your answer is yes, you might be one step away from earning lots of money with your phone by diving into the exciting world of vlogging!

Most vlog content is informal and personal in nature, as if you’re talking to a friend instead of the camera, so it can be a lot of fun to shoot, as it definitely doesn’t have to be “perfect”!

Video content has become more and more popular over the years – many people choose to watch vlogs instead of reading written blogs, turning to YouTube anytime they are looking for information or entertainment. And what’s more – you don’t need fancy camera equipment. You can shoot, edit and post your videos right from your phone!

If you decide to become a vlogger, you can choose from vlog topics that are simple, such as your daily life, to more complex issues, or even tutor people through vlogging and YouTube! Choose the best niche for you and your interests and skills, and your passion and expertise will shine through naturally.

Vlogging can be very profitable; a top YouTuber might make over $100,000 per annum. They can earn even more by advertising people’s brands on their channels through sponsored content. Or, you could even be hired by an external company to do their vlogging content for them. More and more companies are understanding the value of having plenty of engaging video content for their brand, which means there’s plenty of work for budding vloggers!

If you’ve thought about vlogging, now is a perfect time to try your hand at it. Your hard work and dedication to vlogging can definitely pay off as you grown your YouTube channel and earn more and more from YouTube ads, sponsorships, etc.

Online Jobs Where You Can Work from Home Using Your Cell Phone 

Apps and Sites that Pay You for Completing Tasks

In addition to earning money online without leaving your home, some platforms also reward users for completing tasks for them. These tasks are usually simple and easy. Users can earn money through the traffic they drive to their sites, advertisement gigs they get, and also from the tasks they complete. This can be profitable remote work that you can perform anywhere with just your phone.

Below are some of the sites and what you can do for them to earn some extra cash:


Gigwalk is a mobile app that enables you to earn money by completing tasks. It allows you to see the available functions in your area by pinning them. 

Tasks that you can do on Gigwalk include going to a nearby store and taking pictures of a product, inspecting displays and retail products presentations, and answering questions about the products.

Gigwalk is easy to use and does not invade your privacy. You only need your phone and the Gigwalk app to earn money. Gigwalkers make between $3 to $10 per task and are paid via Paypal.


Foap is an app that allows you to make money from your photos. With the Foap app, you can easily upload an image you took with your phone and make money from it when someone buys the picture. 

The average earning per photo on Foap is $5. However, you can make more money by taking up missions on Foap. Each task pays $50 for a winning image. 


Bambino is an app that helps people make money by finding babysitting jobs. If you love children and want to explore babysitting jobs, you can leverage this platform to earn extra cash while doing what you enjoy.

This app also allows babysitters to communicate with prospective clients to finalize the deal and get the required information to get started. 


Varagesale is another application to earn a side income from. VarageSale is an online garage where you can upload pictures of car-related items and get them sold online. For example, you can make money by selling car parts on VarageSale. 

VarageSale is legitimate and safe. It requires that all its customers are registered and verified, so you can rest assured that no one will disappear with your money. 


Swagbucks is another good option to earn some extra cash. On Swagbucks, you are required to take surveys, complete other tasks, and earn points, known as SB. For example, 100 SB is equivalent to $1. You can then redeem your winnings for gift cards or cash in your PayPal and prepaid visa card. 


Sweatcoin is an app that rewards you with points and encourages your fitness and wellness journey. You earn points on Sweatcoin based on the number of steps you take daily. You can then redeem these gift points or donate them to a charity. It is rare to get cash withdrawals on Sweatcoin, but you can use your points to purchase something you need. 

Conclusion about work from home jobs using your cell phone:

Let’s admit that nowadays, the cost of basically everything has gone up, and often, income from a day job is simply not enough to live comfortably.

However, the goodness is that we also live in the day and age where many people have access to a smartphone already. The mobile phone that you already own and are familiar with can help you create a steady stream of extra income that will enable you to sustain yourself, save for the future, and attain financial freedom earlier.

The impressive features of smartphones mean that you don’t always require a computer anymore to do many work-at-home jobs. There are numerous side hustle options! As you’ve read above, many of these jobs can also include different tasks for people with little to no experience. 

Companies that require app testers, Instacart shoppers, and survey takers are ready to pay immediately. They don’t often perform a background check or make you sign complicated contracts, making starting these types of jobs quick and easy.

Let’s also not forget about other side jobs that don’t require mobile phones. If you have a reliable car, delivery jobs can exceed your average expected pay dramatically, as the world tends more and more towards convenience everyday. 

So, whether you are looking to earn some passive income or a viable home-based career without prior work experience, there are several options you can explore with just a few clicks on your personal phone. Become the next Caitlin Pyle, strengthen your financial condition, and offer a new, different way to increase your income.

A new, convenient online job that you love might be just around the corner. Good luck!

work from home jobs using cell phone


If you do decide to find opportunities where you can work from home using your cell phone instead of traditional employee job opportunities, you’ll want to make sure you have health insurance. I highly recommend SafetyWing as an insurance provider for digital nomads and remote workers who work from home using their cell phones – it is affordable, easy to set up, and offers excellent coverage.

Learn more about health insurance for those who work from home using their phones here:



Work from Home Jobs Using Cell Phone

Disclaimer: This blog post may include affiliate links. At absolutely no extra cost to you, I may receive a small commission for any purchase made through these links. Any commissions received are very much appreciated, as they help me to be able to continue posting travel blog content free of charge to my lovely readers. Of course, all recommendations are unbiased, and I will always only recommend products and services that I truly believe in. Thank you for your support!



Work from Home Jobs Using Just Your Cell Phone 

I’m Jenn, a photographer, travel writer, and content creator based out of the beautiful Canadian Rockies. I’m glad you’re here – now let’s explore!

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